Torchwood: “The Gathering”
Posted upon September 3, 2011 in Television, Torchwood: MD
It pronounced something good about this episode (to us, during least) which we felt, for a initial time in about 5 episodes, which we positively had to lay down as great as watch it a second time prior to even attempting to put together a thoughts. Having watched it a second time now, we’re carrying roughly a expect conflicting reaction; which is, it says something bad about a series which we had to lay down as great as watch this
It pronounced something good about this episode (to us, during least) which we felt, for a initial time in about 5 episodes, which we positively had to lay down as great as watch it a second time prior to even attempting to put together a thoughts. Having watched it a second time now, we’re carrying roughly a expect conflicting reaction; which is, it says something bad about a series which we had to lay down as great as watch this