Front companies use Turkey for Iran’s nuclear programme
To circumvent sanctions, Iranian front companies are using Turkey.
By Aaron Stein for Southeast European Times in Istanbul – 11/06/11
Using Turkey, Iranian front companies, some with ties to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, benefit from the sanctions regime.
Increased scrutiny and stringent sanctions have forced Iran to rely on a vast network of middlemen to supply technology for its nuclear, missile and conventional military programmes. To circumvent US, European and UN Security
By Aaron Stein for Southeast European Times in Istanbul – 11/06/11
Using Turkey, Iranian front companies, some with ties to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, benefit from the sanctions regime.
Increased scrutiny and stringent sanctions have forced Iran to rely on a vast network of middlemen to supply technology for its nuclear, missile and conventional military programmes. To circumvent US, European and UN Security