NZ Super Rugby conference title at stake
A few years ago politician Parekura Horomia raised his head from a tubful of pork bones and controversially parroted that the real power-brokers in Timaru rode Harley Davidsons and wore patches on their backs.
Not surprisingly, the good people of Timaru cranked a few rounds of ammunition into their chambers, poked their barrels north and returned fire; in short they told Horomia to get his facts straight, where to get off
A few years ago politician Parekura Horomia raised his head from a tubful of pork bones and controversially parroted that the real power-brokers in Timaru rode Harley Davidsons and wore patches on their backs.
Not surprisingly, the good people of Timaru cranked a few rounds of ammunition into their chambers, poked their barrels north and returned fire; in short they told Horomia to get his facts straight, where to get off